Our SEO services

Ongoing SEO support

SEO is an ongoing process. With the right measures, we bring you forward step by step.

SEO Audit

We check your website according to all relevant SEO criteria and give actionable recommendations for action

SEO Training / Consulting

Together we build up SEO knowledge and processes in your company and provide uncomplicated help with specific questions.

More visitors & customers

Continuous monitoring

Large target group visibility

Content optimisation & production

Shopware Partner Agency

Your Shopware SEO agency

As a certified Shopware SEO agency, we offer customised SEO servicesthat are specially tailored to your needs.

Our team of experienced SEO experts has Many years of experience and knows the latest trends and techniques to improve your visibility in search engine results. We work closely with you to develop a customised strategy that is tailored to your brand, your target audience and your business. Coordinated with your corporate goals is.

We believe in a holistic approach to SEO. This means that we not only optimise the technical aspects of your website, but also create high-quality content to make your website stand out. Optimally address the target group. With continuous monitoring, we ensure that your website always performs and is regularly updated.

Through strategically orientated measures, we increase the flow of visitors to your website. More visitors mean more potential customers and therefore more Turnover for your business. Our comprehensive services as a Shopware SEO agency cover all important areas and ensure sustainable improvements.

Web analysis and tracking
  • Ongoing SEO supportSEO is an ongoing process. With the right measures, we take you forward step by step. We identify the most important search terms for your products and services and improve the content and structure of your website to make it more search engine friendly. At the same time, we increase the quality and number of backlinks to increase the authority of your website and optimise technical aspects such as loading speed and mobile usability.
  • SEO AuditOur SEO experts analyse your website in detail and identify weaknesses and optimisation potential. We carry out a technical analysis, check existing rankings and analyse the keywords used and their relevance. We also check the quality and relevance of the existing website content and the structure of the website, including navigation menus, internal links and URL structure.
  • SEO Training / ConsultingTogether we build up SEO knowledge in your company and offer uncomplicated help with specific questions. Learn how to become an SEO expert yourself.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Our specialised agency uses the best strategies and techniques to optimally position your shop and increase your sales.

We offer ongoing SEO support, SEO audits, keyword research, on-page and off-page optimisation as well as training and consulting.

This depends on many factors. In general, initial improvements are visible after a few weeks, significant results often only after several months. SEO is a long-term marketing strategy.

The costs vary depending on the scope of the services. Contact us for a customised quote.

In principle, SEO can be carried out by anyone, but success depends heavily on your knowledge and experience. As an experienced agency, we know the best practices. So you can concentrate on your core business

Yes, we create high-quality, target group-relevant content that increases your visibility and effectively engages your audience.

Yes, we have experience in optimising websites for international markets and can help you improve your global visibility.

After an initial analysis and agreement on your goals, we can usually start implementing the SEO measures within a few days.

Certified Shopware agency

Shopware Premium Extension Partner for extensions
Shopware Agency Partner
Shopware Certificate Template Designer
Shopware Certificate Developer Developer

The Shopware online shop system stands for passion, innovation and a new departure. modern shopping experiences. This optimally reflects the philosophy of Biloba IT.

We are proud to be an official Premium Extension Partner of Shopware since 2023. Participating companies for this program are selected by Shopware, with particular emphasis on their extensive experience and expertise in the field of Shopware extensions.

Thanks to this partnership we receive Direct support of Shopware as well as access to further resources. This ensures that our Shopware developers are always up to date in terms of the current development of Shopware are.

Our Shopware extensions

We currently have 57 extensions in the Shopware Store. With a total of over 6,200 downloads, our plugins are successfully in use in many shops. Here is a selection of our extensions: