
Variants Preselection

This plugin reintroduces a previously removed Shopware function. This function affects the variant configurations "Image" and "Selection": When a detail page is called up, the corresponding variant is selected directly and can therefore be placed in the shopping basket immediately.

Auto Translation Pro, translation plugin ICON

Auto Translation Pro for Shopware 5

The Auto Translation Pro plugin supports the multilingual display of your Shopware shop and enables you to offer your international customers an optimal shopping experience. It is an efficient solution to save time and effort when translating content.

Please note that the plugin is modular and further functions can be added via our family plugins. Detailed information on the individual functions and configuration options as well as a FAQ can be found further down on this page.

Google Gtag Tracking (Analytics UA / GA4, AdWords) for Shopware 5

Google Gtag Tracking (Analytics UA / GA4, AdWords) for Shopware 5

Google gtag.js (Global Site Tag) is a Javascript library that simplifies the tracking of events on websites. With it, pageviews and conversions can be transmitted simultaneously to several Google services - e.g. Google Analytics and Google AdWords - without having to maintain a separate integration for each service.

With the plugin "Tracking with Google Gtag.js", important e-commerce metrics, such as the shopping cart incl. value or which products are called up, are tracked. Thus, the plugin can also be used to collect data for dynamic remarketing campaigns.